Wednesday, 28 January 2015


Today I got question 2 finished which means I only have one more question to do then it will be complete and ready to be marked as a first draft. 


Today I hope to get all my evaluation done, I will work on this in and outside of class. 

Friday, 23 January 2015

Looking at Theory

Example: Kony 2012 is an online video created by a group of activists aiming to have a Ugandan war criminal Joseph Kony brought to justice. Virtually overnight, the video and the campaign became a viral success. To generate exposure for their campaign, the activists enlisted the help of several celebrities – including actor George Clooney. The success of the campaign can be attributed to a number of factors – such as its slick production values and its use of social media – but the importance that these opinion leaders played in spreading this message through social networking sites can’t be overlooked.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Today I...

Today I added more to my evaluation however I need to continue working on this over the weekend as I still have a few questions left to do.